The Most Dangerous Game Night

Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, Berlin, Germany

In the society striven for by the Situationist International, Homo ludens, or playing humans, supplant Homo oeconomicus. As part of The Most Dangerous Game, on two evenings HKW is taking playing seriously: The lobby will become a playroom and the exhibition will be open until 11 pm. The Invisible Playground network invites visitors to take … Continue reading The Most Dangerous Game Night


Berlin Retro Game Slam

Comedy Café Berlin Roseggerstraße 17, Berlin, Germany

This month, everyone that signs up gets a chance to play!! Lets face it, there wasn't a good computer game made after 1993, well maybe a couple - but not many. Join us for the Retro Game Slam! A live playable retro video game show! Sign up to play on the night, or watch gamers … Continue reading Berlin Retro Game Slam

The Most Dangerous Game Night

Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, Berlin, Germany

In the society striven for by the Situationist International, Homo ludens, or playing humans, supplant Homo oeconomicus. As part of The Most Dangerous Game, on two evenings HKW is taking playing seriously: The lobby will become a playroom and the exhibition will be open until 11 pm. The Invisible Playground network invites visitors to take … Continue reading The Most Dangerous Game Night


Virolution | Live-Action Multiplayer Game-Theater

Brotfabrik Berlin Caligariplatz 1, Berlin, Germany

Virolution | Uraufführung | 28.11. - 01.12. | 20:00 Uhr | | Live-Action Multiplayer Game-Theater Die atomare Katastrophe steht bevor. Doch es gibt Aussicht auf Rettung! Die Zuschauer*innen nehmen am Auswahlverfahren für neue Bewohner der verheißungsvollen Weltraumkolonie Astrum teil. Um nach Astrum zu gelangen, müssen sich die Zuschauer*innen in der „Virolution-Welt“ beweisen. Inspiriert von Netflix-Dystopien … Continue reading Virolution | Live-Action Multiplayer Game-Theater

Games Week Berlin 2019

Various Venues Berlin, Germany

The gamesweekberlin running from April 8–14, 2019 is the leading cross-industry communication and networking platform for games business, development, and culture in Europe. Over seven days, the umbrella brand combines multiple events for industry representatives and game enthusiasts alike. In 2018 about 15.000 international and German game developers, publishers, investors, and influencers from public institutions … Continue reading Games Week Berlin 2019

A MAZE. / Berlin 2019 – 8th Games and Playful Media Festival

SEZ Landsberger Allee 77, Berlin, Berlin, Germany

A MAZE. / Berlin 2019 - 8th International Games and Playful Media Festival at SEZ Berlin . The only festival in Berlin that's focusing on the celebration of arts and authorship in games, playful media and other digital dimenions. #AMaze2019 It’s a festival for alternative and experimental games, virtual reality and other dimensions… in the … Continue reading A MAZE. / Berlin 2019 – 8th Games and Playful Media Festival

Radical Playgrounds Opening Weekend

Gropius Bau Niederkirchnerstraße 7, Berlin, Germany

Radical Playgrounds arrives at the Gropius Bau parking plot for eleven weeks like an itinerant or a temporary funfair. It merges a sculpture park with a maze, adds a skywalk, a display on the history of playgrounds and activism, and ongoing performative workshops. A range of artworks will tackle the healing potential of collective play, … Continue reading Radical Playgrounds Opening Weekend


A MAZE. / Berlin 2024

Silent Green Gerichtstraße 35, Berlin, Germany

A MAZE. / Berlin is an international festival focusing on arthouse games and playful media. A MAZE. / Berlin is back in 2024 for the 13th time, bringing together the worldwide community of arthouse game developers, artistic world builders, digital artists and playful media creators. From May 08-11th 2024 the international Games and Playful Media … Continue reading A MAZE. / Berlin 2024

Fantasia Malware: The Life of Saint Fiona Bianco Xena

HAU2 Hallesches Ufer 34, Berlin, Germany

“The Life of Saint Fiona Bianco Xena” tells the hotly disputed story of the fictitious Saint Fiona’s life. Three experts in her sacred story contend for the right to determine her legacy. Who was Fiona? DIY hormone hacker and trans revolutionary? Exemplary orchid specimen collector? Or just another mythological grifter? At the mercy of the … Continue reading Fantasia Malware: The Life of Saint Fiona Bianco Xena

8€ – 13€