What: As the name suggests, BerlinGameScene.com is a website dedicated to the game scene of Berlin, Germany, featuring interviews, news, job ads and a calendar of events. We also organise the Talk & Play meetup every two months.
Why: The website was created to provide a platform to promote all type of local game-related activities, with a focus on video games. While there’s a lot of things going on in the city, we’ve always felt like they were getting very little visibility and recognition, so we decided to do something about it.
When: The website was launched in February 2015. Our Talk & Play event, which has been a sort of “incubator” for BerlinGameScene.com, has been taking place since June 2013.
Who: Lorenzo Pilia is taking care of most things around here. Regular collaborators for our events include Luca Lombardo (showcase manager at Talk & Play) and Julian Dasgupta (photographer at Talk & Play). If you’d like to help in any way, please get in touch.
Where: BerlinGameScene.com is a proud member of Saftladen, Berlin’s first indie game collective and shared working space. Feel free to come and say hello! (Best to contact us first to make sure someone’s there)