White Nights Berlin 2019

The White Nights Conference is an international business conference for game industry with the content across mobile, PC, console, web, AR and VR. Industry-leading companies like King, Obsidian, Supercell, Rovio, Bandai Namco, Big Fish, Wargaming, Playrix, Pixonic, Facebook, Google and many others have already attended. The agenda includes two atmospheric networking parties: the welcome pre-party … Continue reading White Nights Berlin 2019


KulturBrauerei Schönhauser Allee 36, Berlin, Germany

QUO VADIS, taking place April 8-9, 2019 is the core B2B event during two days of gamesweekberlin. It consists of keynotes, talks, roundtables and workshops focusing on individually tailored tracks for business developers, game developers, community developers and other industries interested in digital games. It’s one of Europe’s hot spots for gaming professionals: Decision makers, … Continue reading QUO VADIS 2019

Games Week Berlin 2019

Various Venues Berlin, Germany

The gamesweekberlin running from April 8–14, 2019 is the leading cross-industry communication and networking platform for games business, development, and culture in Europe. Over seven days, the umbrella brand combines multiple events for industry representatives and game enthusiasts alike. In 2018 about 15.000 international and German game developers, publishers, investors, and influencers from public institutions … Continue reading Games Week Berlin 2019

Womenize! Games and Tech

KulturBrauerei Schönhauser Allee 36, Berlin, Germany

Womenize! is an action program for females in Games and Tech, combining practical and theoretical program parts. The format is designed specifically for professionals and emerging talents in the fields of games, media and IT industry – including HR & culture managers, decision makers, institutions and multipliers. Womenize! connects people, features success stories and highlights … Continue reading Womenize! Games and Tech

A MAZE. / Berlin 2019 – 8th Games and Playful Media Festival

SEZ Landsberger Allee 77, Berlin, Berlin, Germany

A MAZE. / Berlin 2019 - 8th International Games and Playful Media Festival at SEZ Berlin . The only festival in Berlin that's focusing on the celebration of arts and authorship in games, playful media and other digital dimenions. #AMaze2019 It’s a festival for alternative and experimental games, virtual reality and other dimensions… in the … Continue reading A MAZE. / Berlin 2019 – 8th Games and Playful Media Festival

gamesweekberlin PRO EXPERIENCE


Coming to your home screens and mobile devices from October 28-30, 2020! Everything but business as usual. See the latest trends in development, esports, and team management. Get inspired by international experts. Discover emerging talents and promising IPs. Meet business partners in a convenient and professional atmosphere at the gamesweekberlin PRO EXPERIENCE. Loosen your tie … Continue reading gamesweekberlin PRO EXPERIENCE

A MAZE. / Berlin 2022

Berlin, Berlin, Germany

A MAZE. / Berlin 2022 is ONLINE from May 13-17, 2022 . Enjoy the programme in the A MAZE. / SPACE, the A MAZE. Train Station, on Discord and in the live stream. And drumroll: A MAZE. is ONSITE again for ONE FULL DAY ! On May 17, 2022. We invite you to a whole … Continue reading A MAZE. / Berlin 2022

A MAZE. / Berlin 2024

Silent Green Gerichtstraße 35, Berlin, Germany

A MAZE. / Berlin is an international festival focusing on arthouse games and playful media. A MAZE. / Berlin is back in 2024 for the 13th time, bringing together the worldwide community of arthouse game developers, artistic world builders, digital artists and playful media creators. From May 08-11th 2024 the international Games and Playful Media … Continue reading A MAZE. / Berlin 2024

Fachkonferenz: „Werte ins Spiel bringen“

Villa Elisabeth Invalidenstraße 3, Germany

Am 5. Juni 2024 veranstalten wir die Fachkonferenz „Werte ins Spiel bringen“ in der Villa Elisabeth in Berlin. Die Konferenz findet im Rahmen des zweijährigen Modellprojekts „Games und Wertebildung“ statt und richtet sich an Vertreter*innen aus Zivilgesellschaft und Integrationsarbeit sowie Wissenschaft, Medien und Games-Entwicklung. Ziel der Konferenz ist es, die Ergebnisse und Erfahrungen aus dem … Continue reading Fachkonferenz: „Werte ins Spiel bringen“

Womenize! 2024

Institut Français Berlin Kurfürstendamm 211, Berlin, Germany

Womenize! is a dynamic event celebrating women and all under-represented people in the field of gaming, featuring inspiring talks, workshops and networking opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your journey, Womenize! offers something for everyone. That said: The event is open to all genders. Find out more at womenize.net

30€ – 110€