Learn UE4 + SteamVR

Mediadesign Hochschule Berlin Lindenstrasse 20-25, Berlin, Germany

We'll be doing a combined Meetup with the folks at the UE4 Group: http://www.meetup.com/Berlin-Unreal-Engine-Meetup/events/232943261/ They'll provide the venue and I'll bring along my Vive gear and will do a session on the basics of developing a SteamVR / Room-Scale App. We'll stick with Blueprints in this session but I'll share my open source VR C++ … Continue reading Learn UE4 + SteamVR

WERKSCHAU – Exhibition of Graduates’ and Student’s projects

Mediadesign Hochschule Berlin Lindenstrasse 20-25, Berlin, Germany

The bi-annual WERKSCHAU at Mediadesign University is the networking & recruiting event that allows you to get in touch with graduates and students. Not only game designers and developers, but digital artists in the field of animation and VFX will present their latest projects. Come along and join in!
