games:net INDUSTRY DAY

Fraunhofer-Institut für Nachrichtentechnik, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, HHI Salzufer 6, Berlin, Germany

Der games:net INDUSTRY DAY ist das Recruitment Event für die Gamesbranche in der Hauptstadtregion / games:net INDUSTRY DAY is the recruitment event in the Games Industry of the capital region. Experten aus der Games Industrie treffen auf Design-, IT-, Animation-, Marketing-, Psychology- und Sprachtalente / Experts of the Games Industry, Design, IT, Animation, Marketing, Psychology … Continue reading games:net INDUSTRY DAY


After-Work Game Design Drinks VI

Honig Studios Hobrechtstraße 65, Berlin

A night of games, food, drinks and productive exchange among game developers and game aficionados :P The format two games presenting for a limited and selected audience The developer will present her game within 5 minutes (what is it, how to play, what feedback do i want) and then the audience will play the game … Continue reading After-Work Game Design Drinks VI


Blockchain & Gaming

Crypto.Salon Prinessinnenstrasse 16, Berlin, Germany

Blockchain & creativity meetup focuses on the meeting point of the creative industries with the blockchain technology. This time we'll dive into the topic of blockchain & gaming. What are the challenges of the gaming industry? And how could the gaming industry benefit from using blockchain? 7-7.30: Welcome & drinks 7.30-8: Blockchain 101: what does … Continue reading Blockchain & Gaming


Girls’ Games Workshop

Wooga Saarbrücker Straße 38, Berlin, Germany

Mach mit bei einem eintägigen Workshop, der Mädchen ermutigt eigene Computerspiele zu entwickeln. In einer Reihe interaktiver Vorträge lernt ihr die Grundlagen der Spieleentwicklung kennen. Ihr erstellt Design Dokumente für eure Ideen und mit Hilfe von Scratch, einem Programm zur Entwicklung von Spielen, werdet ihr einen spielbaren Prototypen eurer ganz eigenen Spielidee bauen. Geleitet wird … Continue reading Girls’ Games Workshop

Painting By Numbers: Creative Expression with Shaders

Acud Macht Neu Veteranenstraße 21, Berlin, Germany

Shaders. A mysterious and magical part of computer graphics, loved by those who understand them and feared by those who are yet to fall for them. Shaders are an extremely powerful tool, not only to quickly render visual shapes and relationships but also to play, explore and discover new effects. In this workshop we will … Continue reading Painting By Numbers: Creative Expression with Shaders

November Mini Game Jam

co.up Adalbertstraße 8, Berlin, Germany

Time for some game prototyping! Type and draw away, make strange sounds and create fun out of thin air: welcome to this edition of the Berlin Mini Jam! Schedule: 12:00 Doors open (5th floor), write name tags, get to know each other 12:30 Vote on themes via 12:50 Opening speech & theme announcement 13:00 … Continue reading November Mini Game Jam


VR NOW 2017

We started the VR NOW Con & Awards in 2016 as a way to bring the international community of VR creatives, business developers and technological masterminds to Berlin and Potsdam, the most exciting region in the world. Forgive us the bias. The VR NOW consists of two pillars. The Conference. Last year we welcomed more than … Continue reading VR NOW 2017

Civic Game Jam #3 – Machines

UE – University of Applied Sciences Europe Dessauer Str. 3-5, Berlin, Germany

Participation to the jam is free, but since a limited number of spots is available, an application is required: please find more information and apply at – RSVPs on Meetup are not valid! Deadline for applications is October 28th. We don’t need more facts, we need better stories! The Civic Game Jam series uses games as a medium for … Continue reading Civic Game Jam #3 – Machines


Game Sounds Workshop

Gropius Bau Niederkirchnerstraße 7, Berlin, Germany

Der Workshop ist gratis, es sind keine Vorkenntnisse nötig.  Anmeldungen unter Wie beeinflussen Musik und Soundeffekte das Spielerlebnis? Der Ton hat in Videospielen schon immer eine große Rolle gespielt, sei es um den Spielspaß zu unterstreichen, die Spieler*innen beim Rätsellösen zu unterstützen oder einfach die Richtige Stimmung zu kreieren. In diesem Workshop lernen wir, was … Continue reading Game Sounds Workshop


Retro Gaming Double Bill

Comedy Café Berlin Roseggerstraße 17, Berlin, Germany

For readers only: use the promo code EXTEND for a 2 euro discount on your online ticket! The Dark Room: 8pm Retro Game Slam: 10pm Tickets: Online: 8€ or 12€ for both shows At the door: 10€ or 14€ for both shows The Dark Room 8pm You awake to find yourself in a Dark … Continue reading Retro Gaming Double Bill