Quo Vadis 2017

Station Berlin Luckenwalder Str. 4-6, Berlin, Germany

QUO VADIS – Europe's Hot Spot for Games Professionals! Growing from its humble beginnings in 2003, when Quo Vadis was just a small conference in the Ruhr area with around … Continue reading Quo Vadis 2017

Ways of Playing Without Sight

Hidden Institute studio Weigandufer 28, Berlin, Berlin, Germany

7-10PM in the Hidden Institute in Neukolln. Theme: Games without sight (some players at some points have their eyes closed) 〜SCHEDULE〜 ---------------------------------------------------------- ・7:00〜7:55: Warm-up games! TBA BREAK ・8:05〜9:15: Your games! … Continue reading Ways of Playing Without Sight

A MAZE. / Berlin 2017

Urban Spree Revaler Straße 99, Berlin, Germany

A MAZE. / Berlin brings together international independent game developers, digital creatives and game enthusiast in Berlin. A MAZE. / Berlin is also a public festival with an mind-blowing music … Continue reading A MAZE. / Berlin 2017

APITs-Day 2017

HTW Berlin Campus Wilhelminenhof Wilhelminenhofstraße 75A, Berlin, Germany

The games and consumer electronics industry has ever been a driver of innovation. But applying today’s game hard- & software technologies (APITs) holds a huge potential for classical industries & … Continue reading APITs-Day 2017